Please always observe the following campsite rules as this will make it a pleasant stay for everyone.

Please drive up and down the farm lane with care and be aware of children and animals when entering and exiting the car parks. The speed limit is 5mph

We must insist on quiet between 11pm and 7am. If there is excessive noise after 11pm please report it to the Campsite Reception.

Please put all rubbish in the bins provided. All our waste goes to a recycling centre.

Children must be supervised at all times. Children must stay in the campsite and not play near the farm buildings.

We don’t allow swimming in our lakes.

Please accompany children to the toilet block and showers.

Please be aware that farm vehicles will be always moving around the farm and that there is no through way directly through the farm. Please keep to the campsite as signposted.

Please feed the animals with food provided and sold in our shop/reception.

Pets – dogs must be well behaved and kept on a lead or always tethered. 

We allow you to have your pets in provided they are under control and well behaved.  They must not cause any disturbance, chase other animals or roam free. There are not specific pet areas, so owners are obliged to clear and responsibly dispose of their pet’s mess in the bins provided. noisy dogs can be an annoyance to others. Pets must never be left onsite unattended.

Campfires and BBQs are allowed with areas and braziers provided to each pitch. Only logs bought from us may be used. Please respect this as fires must not be unattended or ash put in the MEADOWS or BINS

There are fire extinguishers allocated around site on most pitches and near to out shower block.

Anyone found causing damage to Riverside Lakes Farm property will be asked to leave.

Verbal, physical and anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated.

All pitches to be vacated by 10am.

Check-ins are welcome for camping from 2pm

Check-ins for our Glamping in Bell tents is from 2pm 

There is deep water on site – children must be supervised at all times and are the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

No drones allowed on site.

All visitors must report to reception and pay on arrival.

Respect you neighbours’ peace and privacy, noise from music, TV’s, children and pets should not be audible outside your pitch.

We have a lovely, calm and respectful feeling here at Riverside lakes and will be keeping it that way, everyone is here on holiday, so be nice or leave!

Alcohol and drugs – if it’s illegal outside then it’s still illegal inside the campsite. We are unable to condone anything that is illegal on the campsite, however we are not the law and we do not arbitrarily monitor everything that is going on. (As long as there are not specific complaints). Please don’t allow alcohol to affect your judgment, particularly because you are camping next to fire and deep water.

Facilities, these are clean and functional so please help keep them this way. We do not charge any extra for the facilities provided and in return we expect you to leave them clean and tidy after use. The showers are set at one temperature which is warm so will not scold a child. Any problems let us know.

Fire – yes you can have a fire but please be very responsible and respectful. We allow open fires in the fire pits, camp kitchens and off ground braziers only. No fires or BBQs directly on the grass please – ask and we will provide some bricks to place your BBQs on. There is no charge to borrow one of our braziers, but please be sensible and only light fires in low wind. Don’t not allow sparks to blow around, or light fires by the long grass. You can buy kiln dried wood from us that we sell here onsite. It is very important that you only burn this low moisture kiln dried wood, as it produces a cleaner burn and has reduces the large amounts of smoke. Should you see any fire hazards please raise the alarm immediately. Please make sure all fires are extinguished before going to bed or off our if used for breakfast.

Parties, celebrations, stags, hens and groups – we are not a party venue. As usual, the badly behaved few have ruined it for the many. So rather than stop all group bookings like other campsites would, we simply have no noise after 11pm. You are warmed of this in advance both on the website and in your confirmation emails. If you are the main contact for a group booking. You are responsible for keeping your group quiet after 11pm. And we reserve the right to extinguish and get rid of groups if they cannot behave. 

Noise and personal space – respect people’s peace and privacy always. Please respect other campers and give them their well-deserved peace and tranquillity. Along with our neighbours by being quiet before 9am, and after dark in the evening with no noise after 11pm. We reserve the right to send away nuisances, live by our moto, be nice or go home!!

No smoking in our bell tents!!

Anyone not observing the campsite rules will be asked to leave – you will NOT be refunded.